As educators, advocates, spouses, friends, and providers, our use of language can deeply affect the self-view of people living with diabetes everyday. Let’s lift people up by choosing language that is non-judgmental and person centered.
Being familiar with this new approach will not only improve collaboration, it will also help with certification exam success.
- Learn the old-fashioned diabetes phrases, words and approaches that can be left behind.
- Describe diabetes language that is respectful, inclusive, person-centered and imparts hope.
- Practice communicating about diabetes using phrases free from judgement with a focus on a strength-based approach.
What We Say Matters Powerpoint Handout
This mini-webinar is free, and no CEs are provided, but there is a lot of great info!
Thank you for your time in learning new communication strategies for people living with diabetes.
FREE Diabetes & Language | Quiz
This four question quiz is inspired by the recent article, “The Use of Language and Diabetes Care” by Dickinson et al. What words we choose, our body gestures and the use of certain terms can have a tremendous impact on our interactions with people living with diabetes. This quiz highlights a few key areas where we may want to rethink our approach or feel reassured that we are on the right track.