Free Resources & Handouts | Find that perfect teaching handout, for FREE
Looking for that perfect free diabetes education handout? We are excited to share our collection of fantastic websites that provide you with easy access to hundreds of educational tools in a variety of languages. In addition, we have included links to some of our favorite teaching materials that you can download today. Please let us know if you have any websites that we can add to our list, enjoy!
Websites that offer FREE handouts for diabetes education
ADA Diabetes Education Library Offers over 170 topics on diabetes that are searchable by topic and language. A treasure trove of educational info.
CDC Diabetes Prevention Program Curricula and Handouts This site offers excellent resources for those interested in offering Diabetes Prevention Education.
A Guide to Drinking for People with Diabetes- Helpful resource that provides information on alcohol and diabetes.
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All about Blood Glucose Levels – It can be difficult for patients to learn all the important points of blood glucose control in a short office visit. Download this free patient handout, in English or Spanish, to help your patients self-manage their blood glucose levels long after their appointment.
Medicare and You – A comprehensive summary outlining what services and supplies Medicare covers for beneficiaries.
AACE Passport Wallet Card PDF » A tool that helps patients track if they are meeting AACE care goals from head to toes.
Flu Vaccine and Diabetes » This printable document provides the patients with the rationale and importance of getting an annual flu vaccine.
Medication Wallet Card PDF » pocket sized document that includes contact info, list of medications and critical health data.
Medication Wallet Card in WORD » Add your program’s logo and provide your clients with a useful, customized document that includes contact info, list of medications and critical health data.