Last year, we came up with a list of 10 Simple Steps to improve planetary health. Me and my family committed to making all 10 of these changes and I wanted to report on how we fared for the year. We weren’t perfect, but we definitely made some good progress! Check out our report below!
We are transforming our yard, plant by plant, with native species. The effort is paying off. The diversity of our bird and butterfly population has dramatically increased, along with a new host of amphibious friends.
By choosing plants that originated from your geographic area, you help support your regional ecosystem and offer pollinators, birds, butterflies, and other healthy critters needed food, pollen, and building materials for their survival.
Read more on our blog, Earth Day Secrets to Improving Planet Health
This year, we purchased a Lomi Composter from Pela Earth, and we love it. All of our food scraps go into the Lomi and from this food waste, nutrient-rich compost is created, and serves as the BEST fertilizer, ever. My house and outdoor plants have never looked so good!
My husband, a committed meat eater, recently discovered that his cholesterol was elevated. Overnight, he reached back in time and started cooking the vegetarian dishes of his Armenian grandparents. My kitchen has never smelled so good and the flavors coupled with joy, make each dish extra special. Plus, our fiber intake has dramatically increased and we are all learning more about traditional Armenian foods (so delicious).
In addition to walking out day outside with our furry friends, we needed a new car and decided to go completely electric. I can’t tell you how GREAT it feels to drive without creating emissions (and it’s so quiet). In addition, we have enough solar panels to charge our cars and rarely need to go to a charging station.
My husband and I have decreased our frequency of showering and have replaced the emitters in our yard to prevent water waste. Most of our plants are drought-tolerant too.
Cold water in the washer works as well as warm or hot water for most items. If the weather is bad, we toss wet clothes over chairs and over the headboard. We don’t hang everything to dry, but we are approaching 50%.
This is an ongoing goal that we keep working on. Our computers are on sleep at night, but we keep forgetting to turn them off.
As a family, we try to purchase used items and clothes whenever possible. In addition, we work on maintaining our appliances and other household gadgets to extend their life and avoid putting them into landfill.
Plastic is everywhere and is so hard to avoid. We first committed to no longer buying plastic water bottles and are trying to use refillable soaps, lotions, and other items. When shopping, we bring our reusable bags to the store. The next goal is to avoid buying fresh foods packaged in plastic.
We are at 50% of this goal. Since the new LED bulbs last so long, it has decreased the hassle of changing the bulbs and we love the wonderful light color choices too.
Please send us your stories too at [email protected]. We want to hear from you!
Each action, no matter how small, matters. We can do this!
With wishes for improved planetary health,
Beverly, Chris, Jackson, Robert and Choochi, and Maverick
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