Coach Beverly Thomassian keeps these medication PocketCards current and immediately updates the eVersion on our website and CDCES Coach App with any changes. This PocketCard is an essential tool for clinical practice and exam preparation. One of our best sellers, these Pocket Cards are perfect for any health care professional providing diabetes care and makes a great gift for colleagues and staff.
Download our e-Version for FREE with the form above or purchase your own laminated copies.
Added semaglutide (Ozempic) approved by FDA for prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
Removed Avandia from list of available TZD’s.
Removed indication of metformin as 1st line treatment for diabetes, since the choice of initial agent is based on the individual and presence or absence of CVD, heart failure and degree of kidney disease.
Glucagon PocketCards
Our Glucagon Pocketcard, designed by Coach Beverly Thomassian, is a perfect decision aid and teaching tool designed for sharing with colleagues and people with diabetes alike.
Updated this year to include the most recent information.
The use of DES products does not guarantee the successful passage of the certification exam. CBDCE and ADCES do not endorse any preparatory or review materials for the CDCES or BC-ADM exams, except for those published by CBDCE & ADCES.
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