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Question of the Week | Low carb diets and SGLT-2’s a good mix?

Question of the Week Diabetes Education Services

ST is a 56-year-old presenting for MNT and diabetes education. Their last A1c was 7.4%, and they are currently taking 1000 mg of Metformin and 10 mg of empagliflozin daily for glucose management. They recently read that a very low-carbohydrate eating pattern can help individuals with type 2 diabetes reduce A1C and the need for additional medications and are motivated to implement diet changes.

What would be your primary considerations and guidance in response to ST?

  1. ST is motivated for change, encourage their desire to implement a very low-carbohydrate diet as it is safe for all individuals with diabetes.
  2. ST should avoid a very low-carbohydrate diet.
  3. A very low-carbohydrate diet may be appropriate if ST transitions off the SGLT2 inhibitor.
  4. ST should follow a fixed carbohydrate intake at each meal to align with their medication regimen.

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