ST is a 56-year-old presenting for MNT and diabetes education. Their last A1c was 7.4%, and they are currently taking 1000 mg of Metformin and 10 mg of empagliflozin daily for glucose management. They recently read that a very low-carbohydrate eating pattern can help individuals with type 2 diabetes reduce A1C and the need for additional medications and are motivated to implement diet changes.
What would be your primary considerations and guidance in response to ST?
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Diabetes Education Services offers education and training to diabetes educators in the areas of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes for the novice to the established professional. Whether you are training to be a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), practicing at an advanced level and interested in board certification, or a health care professional and/or Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) who needs continuing education hours to renew your license or CDCES, we have diabetes education information, resources and training; learning and teaching tools; and diabetes online courses available for continuing education (CE). Read our disclaimer for full disclosure.