For our January 26th Question of the Week, over 70% of respondents chose the best answer!
Before we start though, if you don’t want any spoilers and haven’t tried the question yet, you can answer below: Answer Question
Question: RJ is 52 with type 1 diabetes and a minor stroke last year. RJ takes an ACE Inhibitor, insulin, and a statin.
According to ADA Standards of Care 2021, what is the blood pressure target for RJ?
Answer Choices:
As shown above, the most common choice was option 2, the second most common answer was option 3, then option 1, and finally option 4.
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Answer 1 is incorrect 12.16% chose this answer. “120/70”. The ADA Standards suggest that we provide information on healthy eating and the importance of activity, coupled with a referral to a RD and DSMES, when blood pressure levels are greater than 120/70. But, this is not the blood pressure management goal.
Answer 2 is correct 70.82% of you chose this answer. “130/80”. This is the best answer. Since RJ had a stroke, they walk through the door with an existing CV event, which identifies them as higher risk for a future event. The standards state that if the person has experienced a CV event or has a 10 year risk of 15% or greater (using the ASCVD Risk Calculator), the blood pressure target is 130/80.
Answer 3 is incorrect 13.37% of you chose this answer “140/90” The ADA Standards state that the blood pressure target is 140/90 if the 10 year risk of a CV event is less than 15% or the person has not experienced a previous CV event. Since RJ had experienced a minor stroke, the target is 130/80. Of course, this goal is individualized based on individual factors and a risk/benefit analysis.
Answer 4 is incorrect 3.65% of you chose this answer. “135/85” The standards state that if the person has experienced a CV event or has a 10 year risk of 15% or greater (using the ASCVD Risk Calculator), the blood pressure target is 130/80.
We hope you appreciate this week’s rationale! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our Question of the Week and participate in this fun learning activity!
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