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Uvalde T-Shirt Clothesline on display
at Museum of Northern California Art (monca)

Installation Connects Common Humanity Through Art

T-Shirts at monca

CHICO, CA, Sept 19, 2022—**Dismayed over the horrific school shooting that occurred in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, a group of local mothers organized an art installation featuring 21 orange t-shirts, hand-painted with the names of the children and teachers who died. The Uvalde T-Shirt Clothesline was displayed at the Chico Farmer’s Market on July 2nd and now graces the front arches of the Museum of Northern California Art (monca). Orange is the commemorative color of gun violence prevention. Since 2020, firearms have become the leading cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle accidents.[1] Every 2 hours and 36 minutes, a child loses their life due to firearm violence, accidents, or suicide.[2]

“The Uvalde T-Shirt Clothesline speaks of the empty shirts left behind: shirts that will never be played in, worn to school, or hugged at night. Shirts whose young owners will never reach their full potential.” – Beverly Thomassian

“Hanging shirts to dry on a line is a common household activity. The fact that our kids are growing up in a culture of gun violence and school shootings, that they do drills in school to practice how to respond in case of an actual violent attack, that this has become so routine, so commonplace–as ordinary as doing laundry–is why this installation of empty shirts hung on a clothesline has such an immediate, powerful effect.” – Amy Antongiovanni

Be SMART – Gun Safety Alliance of Northern California is a newly formed local chapter of the national Be SMART for Kids campaign. Our goals are:

  • to shine a light on the problem of gun violence against children
  • to connect our common humanity through art
  • to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives

Contact – Beverly Thomassian, Be SMART Advocate, [email protected]

[1] Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States, N Engl J Med, May 19 2022; 386:1955-1956, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2201761


Press Release

Download Press Release here

T-Shirt Clothesline Tribute makes local paper front page.

 Read Enterprise Record Article here. 

Communities Invited to Construct Memorial T-Shirt Clothesline

How to Make a Memorial T-Shirt Clothesline


Download a List of Gun Violence Prevention Organizations

Nurses Union Addresses Gun Violence

Art Displays

Uvalde mural honors Robb Elementary School shooting

More information here

Blog post with our story