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Hospital & Hyperglycemia Webinar Update!

Level 2 – Hospital and Hyperglycemia – 1.5 CEs – updated & recorded ready for viewing! 

 Research clearly demonstrates the importance of glucose control during hospitalization to improve outcomes not only in the inpatient setting but after discharge.  This course reviews the evidence that supports inpatient glucose control and outline practical strategies to achieve targets in the inpatient setting.  We incorporate the latest ADA Standards and provide links to resources and inpatient management templates. 90-minute course.

Purchase Webinar to view now!

Topics include:

  • The impact of hyperglycemia in the hospital setting
  • The importance of inpatient glucose control
  • Three strategies to get glucose to goal in the hospital setting

Resources highlighted include:

Diabetes Care in the Hospital:Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2018 American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2018 Jan; 41 (Supplement 1): S144-S151.  

Inpatient hyperglycemia management: A practical review of primary medical and surgical teams – Umpierrez

Management of Inpatient Hyperglycemia and Diabetes in Older Adults – Umpierrez

Find additional helpful articles:

Hospitals and Hyperglycemia Resource Page