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April eNews | Diabetes Certification Exam Updates You Need to Know

The Steps to Getting Certified Have Changed – A LOT

I remember clutching my calculator and driver’s license as I entered the crowded test site to take my Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) Exam for the first time 29 years ago.

Back in the early 90s, applicants needed 2000 hours of diabetes self-management practice experience to qualify and a #2 pencil to bubble in the right answers on the exam scantron.

I felt queasy as I opened the test booklet and looked at the first question, which was a long vignette with a complex chart of blood sugar data. A terrifying thought crossed my mind “What if I fail, what would my staff think”?

Over 3 hours later, I gave my bubbled-in scantron to the proctor, stepped out into the sunshine, and took a big breath of relief.

Thinking back on this day, I clearly remember a lack of study tools and resources to prepare for the exam. Our little group studied the “AADE Blue Books” and created practice quizzes, but I still felt extremely unprepared for the exam in front of me.

This profound experience kick started the creation of our company, dedicated to making sure that health care professionals have the tools and resources needed to realize their professional dream of achieving (and maintaining) certification.

In truth, achieving my CDCES is one of the best and most meaningful investments in my professional career!  

For this newsletter, we celebrate diabetes certification.

We dive into the modified eligibility requirements for the CDCES exam. We also provide a simplified explanation for certification renewal. Coach Beverly shares her journey to become a CDCES. Plus, we explore our most popular Question of the Week ever and pose a new question regarding Type 1 and Ramadan. To celebrate Spring, the ADA Standards Book is on sale too!

Wherever you are on this journey, we are here to cheer you on each step of the way. Let us know how we can help!

Coach Beverly, Bryanna, and Jackson

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ADA 2021 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes Book

The ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes is a key resource for healthcare professionals involved in diabetes care, education, and support.

One of the most important pieces of literature to read prior to becoming a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and for clinical practice, the Standards of Care book is a study must!

The book includes:

  • ADA’s standards for diagnosing and treating diabetes
  • Nutrition recommendations and principles
  • Position statements on managing diabetes and its complications in various settings

Sign up for Diabetes Blog Bytes – we post one daily Blog Byte from Monday to Friday. And of course, Tuesday is our Question of the Week. It’s Informative and FREE!  Sign up below!

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Accreditation: Diabetes Education Services is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider 12640, and Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), Provider DI002. Since these programs are approved by the CDR it satisfies the CE requirements for the CDCES regardless of your profession.*

The use of DES products does not guarantee the successful passage of the CDCES exam. CBDCE does not endorse any preparatory or review materials for the CDCES exam, except for those published by CBDCE.