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Diabetes Month Resource Page

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. For November we’ve created a list of helpful resources and how to use them to improve diabetes awareness, diagnosis, and care.

  1. ADA’s Risk Quiz: 60 second online risk assessment for type 2 diabetes. ADA created a self-assessment and a version to fill out the assessment for others. There’s also a printable version in English & Spanish which can be distributed to help ascertain risk. This is a great first step in helping individuals consider coming in for an appointment
  2. Know Diabetes by Heart: The initiative started by ADA’s CEO, Tracey Brown, is helping to raise awareness about diabetes and has a number of excellent resources and general informational flyers to pass on to people with diabetes or who may be at risk for diabetes. One great resource is their discussion guide which can help keep people informed. We also made a discussion notes handout to help people know what questions to ask AND be able to write down their health care provider’s answers to use as a reference later.
  3. NIDDK Diabetes Toolkit – Take Diabetes to Heart: The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases have created a toolkit to raise awareness for diabetes. This includes flyers and social media posts which can be shared to raise awareness.
  4. ADA’s FREE Living with Diabetes Program: ADA’s program includes six digital, printable journeys to teach how to live well with diabetes; a monthly e-newsletter with tips, stories, and more resources; six free issues of the Diabetes Forecast® magazine; access to an online community and local events. (The program is available in both English and Spanish).
  5. STAT Toolkit: the AMA created a wonderful toolkit to help people prevent diabetes. There are many individual resources as well as their toolkit in full available free for download.
  6. Sweet People Club: Theresa Garnero founded the Sweet People Club which provides education, support, and community for individuals with prediabetes or type 2 and their families. She has excellent resources on meal planning and active living, plus she provides a free guide on flexible meal planning.
  7. Spanish Language Resources: language can be a barrier to adequate and quality care. AADE has created a number of free downloads for people with diabetes and prediabetes, which have been translated into Spanish.