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Test Taking Practice Webinar with Coach Beverly

For many of us, taking the certification exam is a nerve-wracking process. Practice taking computerized tests to prepare for exam success. During this webinar, Coach Beverly will help you transform your nervousness into focused energy that will help you succeed. She will provide test taking tips based on her experience taking the certification exam six … Continue reading Test Taking Practice Webinar with Coach Beverly

Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs

This course provides an overview of the impact of diabetes in our communities. We compare and contrast prediabetes, type 1, type 2 diabetes LADA and incorporate effective teaching strategies. Diagnostic criteria and risk factor screening are reviewed along with case studies to highlight key points. Objectives: Discuss factors contributing to increased prevalence Describe pathophysiological defects … Continue reading Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Nutrition and Exercise | 1.5 CEs

This course reviews the latest national nutrition guidelines and provides strategies to translate this information to our individual patients. We delve into the recent exercise recommendations and provide realistic strategies to help keep patients active and engaged. Objectives: Discuss Self-management strategies Listing Nutrition Guidelines for patients Describe current MNT recommendations List 3 teachings strategies for … Continue reading Level 1 | Nutrition and Exercise | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

An overview of the effective use of insulin therapy to improve glucose control is discussed. Course content incorporates the new ADA insulin guidelines and Standards of Care. Content includes a review of pattern management and formulas to calculate basal-bolus insulin therapy.   Objectives: Discuss the actions of different insulins Describe pattern management as an insulin … Continue reading Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs


Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

This course is an introduction to the abundance of medications available to treat type 2 diabetes. We explore the different classes of diabetes medications including action, considerations, and side effects. Case studies help students with problem-solving and immediate application of this complex topic. Objectives: Describe the main action of the different categories of type 2 … Continue reading Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs

This course is an essential review for anyone in the field of diabetes. We highlight the goals of care the American Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes and provide critical teaching points and updates for health care professionals involved in diabetes care and education. Strategies on providing a quick and effective foot and lower extremity assessment are also … Continue reading Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, & Monitoring | 1.5 CEs

Causes and strategies to prevent and treat hypoglycemia are discussed. Includes a review of blood glucose monitoring considerations and teaching topics, with a focus on sick day management. Objectives: Discuss risk and prevention of hypoglycemia Strategies to get the most out of blood glucose monitoring and technology Review sick day management, from hospital to home Describe behavior … Continue reading Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, & Monitoring | 1.5 CEs


Level 3 – Boot Camp | Diabetes – Not Just Hyperglycemia | 1.75 CEs

Diabetes is complicated! This course starts with a brief introduction to the CDCES Exam content and philosophy. Then we move to discuss the underpinnings of pancreas dysfunction and the different types of diabetes. Insulin resistance is addressed as well as the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. Objectives: Discuss the epidemiology of diabetes Differentiate between the different … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Diabetes – Not Just Hyperglycemia | 1.75 CEs

Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know

Feb 9, 2022 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes educators with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered dietitian, or … Continue reading Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know


Level 3 – Boot Camp | Insulin Therapy – From Basal/Bolus to Pattern Management | 1.5 CEs

This course reviews the effective use of insulin therapy to improve glucose control. Learn how to look at glucose patterns and determine appropriate insulin adjustment strategies. Also included are formulas to calculate therapy based on national guidelines. Objectives: Discuss the actions of different insulins Describe pattern management as an insulin adjustment tool State how to … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Insulin Therapy – From Basal/Bolus to Pattern Management | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | Insulin Intensive – Monitoring, Sick Days, Lower Extremities | 1.5 CEs

The purpose of this course is to spend focused time reviewing insulin pattern management, dosing strategies, basal-bolus, and carb counting calculations. We explore the ins and outs of monitoring, sick day management, and provide a brief review of hypoglycemia and Hospitalization. This course content will boost your knowledge and confidence in recommending insulin adjustments to … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Insulin Intensive – Monitoring, Sick Days, Lower Extremities | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | Meds for Type 2 – What you need to know | 1.5 CEs

This course highlights the array of oral and injectable medications to treat hyperglycemia for people with type 2 diabetes. We explore clinical issues to consider when determining the best strategy to improve glucose control. We discuss cost, side effects, complexity, and other factors into consideration. We also discuss how to integrate the ADA and AACE … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Meds for Type 2 – What you need to know | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | (Exercise and) Medical Nutrition Therapy | 1.5 CEs

This course reviews the latest nutrition guidelines and strategies to individualize this information based on assessment. Included is a discussion on weight-loss approaches, metabolic surgery, gastroparesis, and disordered eating. Objectives: Discuss national guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy State different meal planning approaches Describe gastrointestinal issues associated with diabetes Discuss approaches to discussing and supporting weight … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | (Exercise and) Medical Nutrition Therapy | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | Microvascular Complications and Exercise – Focus on Prevention | 1.5 CEs

We review the benefits of exercise and focus on the latest national guidelines for activity, strengthening, and balance. We summarize the impact of chronic hyperglycemia on the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and lower extremities. Included is a discussion on screening guidelines to promote early detection and treatment. We also review the benefits of exercise and focus … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Microvascular Complications and Exercise – Focus on Prevention | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | Coping and Behavior Change | 1.5 CEs

This course provides a framework to assess patient barriers and support behavior change. We explore psychosocial issues that may be blocking patients from adopting healthier behaviors and provides strategies to identify and overcome these barriers.  We conclude with a review of the major learning theories with a focus on empowerment. Objectives: Discuss the chronic care … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Coping and Behavior Change | 1.5 CEs

Level 3 – Boot Camp | Test-Taking Coach Session (48 Questions)

Are you almost to the finish line and ready to take the CDCES or BC-ADM exam in the near future? If yes, this test-taking Diabetes Educator Online Boot Camp is designed for you. First, you take 78 sample questions online. Then you join Coach Beverly for an hour-long webinar to learn how to work through the test … Continue reading Level 3 – Boot Camp | Test-Taking Coach Session (48 Questions)

Level 2 | Meds Management for Type 2 Standards | 1.5 CEs

Coach Beverly will highlight the key elements of the latest Medication Guidelines by AACE and ADA. We will explore clinical factors to consider when determining the best strategy to improve glucose management in people with type 2 diabetes and other co-conditions. There will be a special focus on cardiovascular risk reduction and renal protection. Objectives: … Continue reading Level 2 | Meds Management for Type 2 Standards | 1.5 CEs


Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know

April 7, 2022 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes educators with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered dietitian, or … Continue reading Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know


Level 2 | Pregnancy and Diabetes Standards | 1.5 CEs

Pregnancy with diabetes is confronted with a variety of issues that require special attention, education, and understanding. This course reviews those special needs while focusing on Gestational Diabetes and Pre-Existing Diabetes. Included are the most recent diagnostic criteria, management goals, and prevention of complications during pregnancy. A helpful review for the CDCES Exam and for … Continue reading Level 2 | Pregnancy and Diabetes Standards | 1.5 CEs


Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions

During this webinar, Coach Beverly will help you transform your nervousness into focused energy that will help you succeed. She will provide test-taking tips based on her experience taking the certification exam six times.   To provide plenty of practice, Coach Beverly will sample 20 test questions that have been plucked from our Test Taking Toolkit … Continue reading Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions


FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know

July 14, 2022 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes educators with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered dietitian, or … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Free Webinar – What you need to know


3 Steps to Save Feet; Assess, Screen, and Report – FREE Webinar Short

Welcome! All health care professionals are invited to join us to learn strategies to protect lower extremities during this FREE Webinar! In this webinar, Coach Beverly will walk participants through the 3 Step Process to Save Feet; Assess, Screen and Report. She will provide simple and clear instructions on how to assess and inspect feet, … Continue reading 3 Steps to Save Feet; Assess, Screen, and Report – FREE Webinar Short


Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 1 | 1.5 CEs

Why do the blood sugars keep dropping after meals? Is the basal insulin set correctly? What adjustments are needed for exercise? During this webinar Coach, Beverly addresses each of these glucose mysteries and more, using a person-centered approach.  She describes a stepwise approach to evaluate glucose patterns and correct common issues encountered by people living … Continue reading Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 1 | 1.5 CEs


Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

Why are glucose levels elevated in the morning? When should insulin be started?  What is the next step to get A1c to target? During this course Coach Beverly addresses each of these glucose mysteries and more, using a person-centered approach.  She describes a stepwise approach to evaluate glucose patterns and correct common issues encountered by … Continue reading Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs


Level 4 | Insulin Calculation Workshop – From Pumps & Beyond | 1.5 CEs

Why do the blood sugars keep dropping after meals? Is the basal insulin set correctly? What adjustments are needed for exercise? Determining basal and bolus rates for multiple daily injections or insulin pumps can seem overwhelming.  This 90-minute course provides participants with a step-by-step approach to determine basal rates, bolus ratios, and how to problem … Continue reading Level 4 | Insulin Calculation Workshop – From Pumps & Beyond | 1.5 CEs


Level 4 – Basal Bolus Therapy in Hospital 1.5 CEs

Glucose control in the hospital matters! This course provides participants with a step-by-step approach to safely and effectively implement Basal Bolus Insulin Therapy in the inpatient setting. We discuss appropriate insulin dosing based on the patient’s clinical presentation and apply dosing strategies to a variety of case studies. Included are hard-to-manage situations that commonly occur … Continue reading Level 4 – Basal Bolus Therapy in Hospital 1.5 CEs


Free Webinar: What We Say Matters: Language that Respects the Individual and Imparts Hope

Join us live on September 13th from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm for our Free Webinar: What We Say Matters: Language that Respects the Individual and Imparts Hope What we say matters As educators, advocates, spouses, friends, and providers, our use of language can deeply affect the self-view of people living with diabetes every day. … Continue reading Free Webinar: What We Say Matters: Language that Respects the Individual and Imparts Hope

Level 4 | Type 2 Diabetes Intensive | 2 CEs

This course provides a detailed overview of the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, prevention strategies, and cardiovascular risk reduction. In addition, we highlight type 2 treatment approaches including nutrition, activity, oral and injectables medications plus screening and treatment guidelines for micro and macrovascular disease. Through case studies and discussion, we highlight strategies to focus on … Continue reading Level 4 | Type 2 Diabetes Intensive | 2 CEs


Level 4 | Cancer & Diabetes | 1.25 CEs

People with cancer often experience hyperglycemia secondary to treatment, which can increase risk of infection and compromise their nutritional status. In addition, recent research has identified the link between diabetes and cancer. Join us to learn more about this unexpected link and treatment strategies for steroid-induced hyperglycemia using a case study approach. Objectives: Discuss the … Continue reading Level 4 | Cancer & Diabetes | 1.25 CEs


Getting to the Gut (& Skin) – FREE Webinar


Join the wonderment as we explore the role of our Microbiome. This sixty minute complimentary journey will expand your view of how trillions of bacterial hitchhikers profoundly influence our health. We will discuss how foods, bathing, the environment and our medical practices have impacted our gut bacteria over time and strategies we can take to … Continue reading Getting to the Gut (& Skin) – FREE Webinar


Level 2 | Hyperglycemic Crises, DKA & HHS Standards | 1.0 CE

This course discusses common causes of hyperglycemia crises. Topics include hyperglycemia secondary to medications and insulin deprivation. The difference and similarities between Diabetes Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome are also covered. Treatment strategies for all situations are included. Objectives: Common causes of hyperglycemic crises. The difference and similarities between DKA and HHS and treatment strategies … Continue reading Level 2 | Hyperglycemic Crises, DKA & HHS Standards | 1.0 CE


Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions

During this webinar, Coach Beverly will help you transform your nervousness into focused energy that will help you succeed. She will provide test-taking tips based on her experience taking the certification exam six times.   To provide plenty of practice, Coach Beverly will sample 20 test questions that have been plucked from our Test-Taking Toolkit during … Continue reading Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions


CDCES or BC-ADM – Which Certification is Right for me? | FREE Webinar

Are you considering pursuing certification in diabetes care, but are not sure which certification is right for you and how to get started? Join Coach Beverly for this FREE Webinar on December 14th at 11:30 am PST to explore which certification best suits your professional and personal goals. Join LIVE Webinar for FREE Coach Beverly is … Continue reading CDCES or BC-ADM – Which Certification is Right for me? | FREE Webinar

Meds for Type 2 Update; New ADA/EASD Consensus Statement | Level 2 | 1.5 CEs

Plan on joining this exciting webinar that walks participants through the newly released, "Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Consensus Report by the ADA and EASD".  These updated guidelines will be incorporated into the 2023 ADA Standards of Care, but you can get a early sneak peak by joining Coach Beverly on December 1st, 2022.  … Continue reading Meds for Type 2 Update; New ADA/EASD Consensus Statement | Level 2 | 1.5 CEs

Level 2 | Assessing and Promoting Well-Being: From Population Health to a Person-Centered Approach Standards | 1.5 CEs

This presentation will include the latest information on Social Determinants of health, assessment strategies, and approaches. We will explore the psychosocial issues that can discourage individuals from adopting healthier behaviors and provides strategies to identify and overcome these barriers. Life studies are used to apply theory to real-life situations. A great course for anyone in … Continue reading Level 2 | Assessing and Promoting Well-Being: From Population Health to a Person-Centered Approach Standards | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs

This course provides an overview of the impact of diabetes on our communities. We compare & contrast prediabetes, type 1, and type 2 diabetes LADA & incorporate effective teaching strategies. Diagnostic criteria & risk factor screening are reviewed along with case studies to highlight key points. Objectives: Intended Audience:  A great course for anyone entering … Continue reading Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Nutrition & Exercise | 1.5 CEs

This course reviews the latest national nutrition guidelines and provides strategies to translate this information to our individual patients. We delve into the recent exercise recommendations and provide realistic strategies to help keep patients active and engaged. Objectives: Intended Audience:  A great course for anyone in the field of diabetes education seeking evidence-based information supporting … Continue reading Level 1 | Nutrition & Exercise | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

This course is an introduction to the abundance of medications available to treat type 2 diabetes. We explore the different classes of diabetes medications including action, considerations & side effects. Case studies help students with problem-solving & immediate application of this complex topic. Objectives: Intended Audience: A critical course for anyone in the field of diabetes … Continue reading Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

This course is an overview of the effective use of insulin therapy to improve glucose control is discussed. Course content incorporates the new American Diabetes Association's (ADA) insulin guidelines & Standards of Care. The content includes a review of pattern management & formulas to calculate basal-bolus insulin therapy. Objectives: Intended Audience:  A great course for … Continue reading Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs


Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs

This course is an essential review for anyone in the field of diabetes. We highlight the goals of care the American Diabetes          Association’s Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes & provide critical teaching points & updates for healthcare professionals involved in diabetes care and education. Strategies for providing a quick & effective foot and lower extremity … Continue reading Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs


Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, & Monitoring | 1.5 CEs

This session reviews causes & strategies to prevent hypoglycemia are discussed. Includes a review of blood glucose monitoring considerations and teaching topics, with a focus on sick day management. Strategies for providing a quick and effective foot & lower extremity assessment are also discussed. Objectives: Intended Audience:  A great course for anyone in the field … Continue reading Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, & Monitoring | 1.5 CEs


FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar


Level 2 | ADA Standards of Care | 2.0 CEs

This course, updated annually, is an essential review for anyone in the field of diabetes. Join Coach Beverly as she summarizes the annual updates to the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes & provides critical teaching points & content for healthcare professionals involved in diabetes care & education. Objectives: Intended Audience: This course … Continue reading Level 2 | ADA Standards of Care | 2.0 CEs


FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

February 20, 2023 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes health care professionals with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

Level 3 | DiabetesEd Specialist Boot Camp | 12+ CEs

This bundle is specifically designed for healthcare professionals who are studying for the Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM) or the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) certification exam. In each webinar, Coach Beverly Thomassian, RN, MPH, CDCES, BC-ADM highlights the critical content of each topic area so you can focus your study time … Continue reading Level 3 | DiabetesEd Specialist Boot Camp | 12+ CEs


Level 2 | Critical Assessment in Diabetes Care | Fine-Tuning Diabetes Detective Skills | 2.0 CEs

This course integrates the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) Standard of Care on elements of a comprehensive medical assessment (Standard 4) of the individual living with prediabetes, diabetes, or hyperglycemia. Through case studies & real-life situations, we discover often hidden causes of hyperglycemia & other complications, such as liver disease, sleep apnea, pancreatitis, autoimmune diseases, fractures, … Continue reading Level 2 | Critical Assessment in Diabetes Care | Fine-Tuning Diabetes Detective Skills | 2.0 CEs


FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar


FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

April 6, 2023 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes health care professionals with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

Level 2 | Microvascular Complications Prevention & Treatment | Eye, Kidney, Nerve Disease | 1.5 CEs

This course provides the need-to-know information regarding the microvascular complications of diabetes. It includes a brief overview of the pathophysiology & clinical manifestations along with prevention strategies & screening guidelines. This straightforward program will provide participants with the information they can use in a clinical setting & also provides critical content for certification exams.       … Continue reading Level 2 | Microvascular Complications Prevention & Treatment | Eye, Kidney, Nerve Disease | 1.5 CEs


Level 2 | Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes | 1.5 CEs

This course takes a close look at insulin resistance syndrome & vascular complications. We discuss the impact of vessel disease from the heart to the toes. Included is a discussion of identifying & preventing vascular disease & a comprehensive review of the latest American Diabetes Association's (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes for heart … Continue reading Level 2 | Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes | 1.5 CEs


Level 2 | Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs

People with diabetes are at increased risk of Lower Extremity Complications. This course reviews the steps involved in performing a detailed assessment of the lower extremities, including how to use a monofilament and tuning fork to detect neuropathy. We also discuss the significance of Ankle Brachial Index and strategies to prevent lower extremity complications. Objectives: … Continue reading Level 2 | Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs


Level 2 | Older Adults & Diabetes | 1.5 CEs

We are living longer & more people are getting diabetes. The American Diabetes Association has updated the Older Adults Standards, with special attention to considering the reduction of medication & insulin therapy intensity. The older population has unique issues & special needs that require consideration as we provide diabetes self-management education. This online course highlights … Continue reading Level 2 | Older Adults & Diabetes | 1.5 CEs


Level 2 | From Tots to Teens | Diabetes Standards | 1.5 CEs

This course includes updated goals & guidelines for children living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This course discusses the special issues diabetes educators need to be aware of when working with children with diabetes & their families. We discuss the clinical presentation of diabetes, goals of care, & normal growth & development through … Continue reading Level 2 | From Tots to Teens | Diabetes Standards | 1.5 CEs


FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar


Level 2 | Hospitals & Hyperglycemia | 1.5 CEs

Research clearly demonstrates the importance of glucose control during hospitalization to improve outcomes not only in the inpatient setting but after discharge. This course reviews the evidence that supports inpatient glucose control & outlines practical strategies to achieve targets in the inpatient setting. We incorporate the latest American Diabetes Association's (ADA) Standards of Medical Care … Continue reading Level 2 | Hospitals & Hyperglycemia | 1.5 CEs


Level 2 | Setting up a Successful DSME Program | 1.5 CEs

This course provides you with a succinct overview of the latest standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) & Support Programs. If you are taking certification exams or considering setting up a DSME program, this program is designed for you. We highlight the newly revised & simplified standards & provide strategies for program implementation. In addition, … Continue reading Level 2 | Setting up a Successful DSME Program | 1.5 CEs


FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

July 11, 2023 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes health care professionals with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

FREE Webinar: Diabetes & Language | What we say matters | 0.5 CEs

As educators, advocates, spouses, friends, and providers, our use of language can deeply affect the self-view of people living with diabetes every day. Intentional communication is a powerful tool that can uncover trauma, identify barriers, and move both the provider and person with diabetes toward a greater understanding of the issues involved. The language used … Continue reading FREE Webinar: Diabetes & Language | What we say matters | 0.5 CEs

FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar


Level 4 | Type 2 Diabetes Intensive | 2 CEs

This course provides a detailed overview of the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, prevention strategies, & cardiovascular risk reduction. In addition, we highlight type 2 treatment approaches including nutrition, activity, oral & injectable medications plus screening & treatment guidelines for micro & macrovascular diseases. Through case studies & discussion, we highlight strategies to focus on … Continue reading Level 4 | Type 2 Diabetes Intensive | 2 CEs


FREE: Level 4 | 3 Steps to DeFEET Amputation; Assess, Screen, & Report

Coach Beverly will walk participants through the 3-Step Process to Save Feet; Assess, Screen, & Report.  She will provide simple and clear instructions on how to assess and inspect feet, along with risk assessment & action steps. We will share free teaching tools, strategies, & documentation forms adapted from the Lower Extremity Prevention Program (LEAP) … Continue reading FREE: Level 4 | 3 Steps to DeFEET Amputation; Assess, Screen, & Report

Level 4 | Cancer & Diabetes | 1.25 CEs

Patients with cancer often experience hyperglycemia secondary to treatment, which can increase the risk of infection & compromise their nutritional status. In addition, recent research has identified the link between diabetes & cancer. Join us to learn more about this unexpected link & treatment strategies for steroid-induced hyperglycemia using a case study approach. Objectives: Bonus … Continue reading Level 4 | Cancer & Diabetes | 1.25 CEs

FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Level 4 | Insulin Calculation Workshop | From Pumps & Beyond | 1.5 CEs 

Determining basal & bolus rates for multiple daily injections or insulin pumps can seem overwhelming. This course provides participants with a step-by-step approach to determining basal rates, bolus ratios & how to problem-solve when blood glucose levels aren't on target. During this course, Coach Beverly provides abundant case studies to give participants hands-on practice & … Continue reading Level 4 | Insulin Calculation Workshop | From Pumps & Beyond | 1.5 CEs 

Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 1 | 1.5 CEs

During this webinar Coach, Beverly addresses each of these glucose mysteries & more, using a person-centered approach.  She describes a stepwise approach to evaluate glucose patterns & correct common issues encountered by people living with type 1 diabetes. Objectives: Describe common glucose mysteries encountered by people with type 1 diabetes. Using a stepwise approach, evaluate … Continue reading Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 1 | 1.5 CEs

Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

During this course, Coach Beverly addresses each of these glucose mysteries and more, using a person-centered approach. She describes a stepwise approach to evaluate glucose patterns and correct common issues encountered by people living with type 2 diabetes. Objectives: Describe common glucose mysteries encountered by people with type 2 diabetes. Using a stepwise approach, evaluate … Continue reading Level 4 | Solving Glucose Mysteries for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

September 14, 2023 |  11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. PST Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Join us for this live webinar  Becoming BC-ADM is a great achievement for diabetes health care professionals with an advanced degree in their field and a professional license as an advanced practice nurse, registered … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

Join us to get ready to succeed a the BC-ADM Exam. This webinar will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test-taking readiness. Topics covered include: exam eligibility and test format strategies to succeed study tips and test-taking tactics Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Becoming BC-ADM is a … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

FREE Strategies to Revitalize your Diabetes Program or Business Webinar

To celebrate 25 years as the CEO of Diabetes Education Services and 30 years of specializing in diabetes, I am excited to offer my ADCES presentation, Strategies to Revitalize your Diabetes Program or Business for FREE on September 28th at 11:30 am PST. If you are starting a diabetes self-management program or want to revitalize your current … Continue reading FREE Strategies to Revitalize your Diabetes Program or Business Webinar

Level 4 | Basal Bolus Therapy in Hospitals | 1.5 CEs

Glucose control in the hospital matters! This course provides participants with a step-by-step approach to safely and effectively implement Basal Bolus Insulin Therapy in the inpatient setting. We discuss appropriate insulin dosing based on the patient’s clinical presentation and apply dosing strategies to a variety of case studies. Included are hard-to-manage situations that commonly occur … Continue reading Level 4 | Basal Bolus Therapy in Hospitals | 1.5 CEs

FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2023 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar


FREE From the Gut to the Butt – Exploring the GI System | 1.0 CEs

Join the wonderment as we explore the role of our GI System Coach Bev invites you to join this 60 minute webinar that covers gastrointestinal health from top to bottom. Topics include; fatty liver disease diagnosis and treatment, intestinal complications associated with diabetes, keeping the microbiome healthy, and more. Join us to explore the magnificent wonders of diabetes and … Continue reading FREE From the Gut to the Butt – Exploring the GI System | 1.0 CEs

Level 2 | Hyperglycemic Crises, DKA & HHS Standards | 1.0 CE

This course discusses common causes of hyperglycemia crises. Topics include hyperglycemia secondary to medications & insulin deprivation. The difference & similarities between Diabetes Ketoacidosis & Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome are also covered. Treatment strategies for all situations are included. Objectives: Discuss the common causes of hyperglycemic crises. List the difference & similarities between DKA and HHS … Continue reading Level 2 | Hyperglycemic Crises, DKA & HHS Standards | 1.0 CE

FREE: CDCES or BC-ADM – Which Certification is Right for Me? Webinar

Are you considering pursuing certification in diabetes care, but are not sure which certification is right for you and how to get started? Join Coach Beverly for this FREE Webinar on December 13th at 11:30 am PST to explore which certification best suits your professional and personal goals. Coach Beverly is excited to share her insights … Continue reading FREE: CDCES or BC-ADM – Which Certification is Right for Me? Webinar

Level 2 | How to Assess Well-Being | From Populations to Individuals | 1.5 CEs

SONY DSC This course offers critical content that will help with certification exam success. Coach Beverly will delve into Social Determinants of health, assessment strategies, & behavior change approaches. She will explore the psychosocial issues that can discourage individuals from adopting healthier behaviors & provide strategies to identify & overcome these barriers. Life studies are … Continue reading Level 2 | How to Assess Well-Being | From Populations to Individuals | 1.5 CEs

Level 2 | Meds Management Update for Type 2 Diabetes | 1.5 CEs

In this exciting webinar, Coach Beverly walks participants through the "Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes"  as outlined by the most recent American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines. She kicks-it off with a brief overview of the different classes of medications then uses a case study approach to apply the ADA algorithm. Objectives: Describe the … Continue reading Level 2 | Meds Management Update for Type 2 Diabetes | 1.5 CEs

FREE Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions

For many of us, taking the certification exam is a nerve-wracking process. Whether you are taking the CDCES or BC-ADM exam, this Test Taking Toolkit will help set you on the path to success. This course facilitated by Coach Beverly will help you transform your nervousness into focused energy that will help you succeed. She will … Continue reading FREE Test Taking Practice Exam Toolkit | Webinar + 220 Sample Practice Test Questions

Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs

This course provides an overview of the impact of diabetes on our communities. We compare & contrast prediabetes, type 1, & type 2 diabetes LADA & incorporate effective teaching strategies. Diagnostic criteria & risk factor screening are reviewed along with case studies to highlight key points. Objectives: Discuss factors contributing to increased prevalence. Describe pathophysiological … Continue reading Level 1 | Getting to the Nitty Gritty | 1.5 CEs

Level 1 | Nutrition & Exercise | 1.5 CEs

This course reviews the latest national nutrition guidelines and provides strategies to translate this information to individuals. We delve into the recent exercise recommendations and provide realistic strategies to help keep individuals active and engaged. Objectives: Discuss Self-management strategies. Listing Nutrition Guidelines for people with diabetes.  Describe current MNT recommendations. List 3 teaching strategies for … Continue reading Level 1 | Nutrition & Exercise | 1.5 CEs

Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

This course is an introduction to the abundance of medications available to treat type 2 diabetes. We explore the different classes of diabetes medications including action, considerations & side effects. Case studies help students with problem-solving & immediate application of this complex topic. Objectives: Describe the main action of the different categories of type 2 … Continue reading Level 1 | Meds Overview for Type 2 | 1.5 CEs

Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

This course is an overview of the effective use of insulin therapy to improve glucose control is discussed. Course content incorporates the new American Diabetes Association's (ADA) insulin guidelines & Standards of Care. The content includes a review of pattern management & formulas to calculate basal-bolus insulin therapy. Objectives: Discuss the actions of different insulins. … Continue reading Level 1 | Insulin Therapy & Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Join us to get ready to succeed a the CDCES Exam. This course will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test taking readiness. Topics covered include: Changes in requirements for 2024 Exam eligibility and test format Strategies to succeed Review of study tips and test taking tactics. We will review sample test questions, … Continue reading FREE Prep for CDCES Exam Webinar

Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs

This course is an essential review for anyone in the field of diabetes. We highlight the goals of care the American Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes & provide critical teaching points & updates for healthcare professionals involved in diabetes care and education. Strategies for providing a quick & effective foot and lower extremity assessment are also discussed. … Continue reading Level 1 | Goals of Care & Lower Extremity Assessment | 1.5 CEs

Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, and Monitoring | 1.5 CEs

This session reviews causes & strategies to prevent hypoglycemia are discussed. Includes a review of blood glucose monitoring considerations & teaching topics, with a focus on sick day management. Includes discussion of inpatient glucose management guidelines & goals. Objectives: Discuss risks & prevention of hypoglycemia. Strategies to get the most out of blood glucose monitoring … Continue reading Level 1 | Hypoglycemia, Sick Days, and Monitoring | 1.5 CEs

Level 2 | ADA Standards of Care CE Course | 2.0 CEs

This course, updated annually, is an essential review for anyone in the field of diabetes. Join Coach Beverly as she summarizes the annual updates to the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes & provides critical teaching points & content for healthcare professionals involved in diabetes care & education. Objectives: A review of … Continue reading Level 2 | ADA Standards of Care CE Course | 2.0 CEs

FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

Join us to get ready to succeed a the BC-ADM Exam. This webinar will transform your test anxiety into calm self-confidence and test-taking readiness. Topics covered include: exam eligibility and test format strategies to succeed study tips and test-taking tactics Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam - What you need to know Becoming BC-ADM is a … Continue reading FREE Preparing for the BC-ADM Exam Webinar – What you need to know

Level 3 | Diabetes | Not Just Hyperglycemia | 1.75 CEs

Diabetes is complicated! This course starts with a brief introduction to the epidemiology of diabetes & social determinants of health. Then, the underpinning of pancreas dysfunction & the different types of diabetes are reviewed & clarified. Insulin resistance is addressed as well as the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. Objectives: Discuss the epidemiology of diabetes. Differentiate … Continue reading Level 3 | Diabetes | Not Just Hyperglycemia | 1.75 CEs

Level 3 | Standards of Care & Cardiovascular Goals | 1.8 CEs

Get ready to lead the charge to implement best care practices while preparing for certification. This Boot Camp Intensive reviews the glucose goals of care from pediatrics, through pregnancy, during middle age, & for seasoned citizens. We also take a close look at the goals for CV care & strategies to reduce the risk of … Continue reading Level 3 | Standards of Care & Cardiovascular Goals | 1.8 CEs

Level 3 | Meds for Type 2 | What You Need to Know | 1.75 CEs

This course highlights the array of oral & injectable medications to treat hyperglycemia for people with type 2 diabetes. We explore clinical issues to consider when determining the best strategy to improve glucose control. We discuss cost, side effects, complexity, & other factors into consideration. We also discuss how to integrate the ADA algorithms into … Continue reading Level 3 | Meds for Type 2 | What You Need to Know | 1.75 CEs

Level 3 | Insulin Therapy | From Basal/Bolus to Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

This course reviews the effective use of insulin therapy to improve glucose control. Learn how to look at glucose patterns & determine appropriate insulin adjustment strategies. Also included are formulas to calculate therapy based on national guidelines. Objectives: Discuss the actions of different insulins. Describe pattern management as an insulin adjustment tool. State how to … Continue reading Level 3 | Insulin Therapy | From Basal/Bolus to Pattern Management | 1.75 CEs

Level 3 | Medical Nutrition Therapy | 1.75 CEs

This course reviews the latest nutrition guidelines & strategies to individualize this information based on assessment. Included is a discussion on weight-loss approaches, metabolic surgery, gastroparesis, & disordered eating, & behavioral coaching. Objectives: Discuss national guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy. State different meal planning approaches. Describe gastrointestinal issues associated with diabetes. Discuss approaches to discussing … Continue reading Level 3 | Medical Nutrition Therapy | 1.75 CEs

Level 3 | Microvascular Complications & Exercise | Screen, Prevent, Treat | 1.75 CEs

We review the benefits of exercise & focus on the latest national guidelines for activity, strengthening, & balance. We summarize the impact of chronic hyperglycemia on the eyes, kidneys, nerves, & lower extremities. Included is a discussion on screening guidelines to promote early detection & treatment. We also review the benefits of exercise & focus … Continue reading Level 3 | Microvascular Complications & Exercise | Screen, Prevent, Treat | 1.75 CEs