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ReVive 5 Step Diabetes Training Faculty

ReVive 5 Training Program
Unlocking Hidden Barriers to Diabetes Management

Dr. Lawrence Fisher has been a professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco for over 25 years, and he is the Director of The Behavioral Diabetes Research Group at UCSF.

He has a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology and is a former Associate Editor of Diabetes Care. He has conducted multiple cross-sectional and longitudinal NIH- and ADA-supported clinical research with adults with diabetes and their families.

His recent work focuses on diabetes distress and depression, disease management, and how adults and families struggle over time to manage chronic health conditions. He has won two major UCSF School of Medicine teaching awards, was nominated for the UCSF Postdoctoral Scholars Association Outstanding Mentorship Award, and has received a certificate from the American Psychological Association in “Recognition for Substantial Contributions to the Field of Family Psychology and Health.”


In 2012 he received the Richard Rubin Award from the American Diabetes Association. He maintains an active clinical practice at UCSF, has published over 190 peer-reviewed articles on diabetes and related topics, and frequently speaks to both professional and lay groups at local, national, and international meetings and workshops.

Coach Beverly Thomassian, RN, MPH, BC-ADM, CDCES

As president of Diabetes Education Services, Beverly Thomassian, RN, MPH, CDCES, BC-ADM, believes that we can improve diabetes care through education, advocacy and curiosity. 

As a diabetes coach, she promotes excellence in care through her live courses and webinar presentations. As a Diabetes Nurse Specialist who is Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management, Beverly has a twenty year history of being an innovator, leader and mentor.

As a diabetes specialist at a local Indian Health Services Clinic, she keeps her clinical skills fresh through one-on-one education and provider consultation. In her role as nurse entrepreneur and thought leader, she is a relentless advocate for equitable diabetes care for all.

She is the 2021 recipient of the California ADCES Kim Higgins Award and serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF and CSU Chico.

Susan Guzman, PhD

Susan Guzman, PhD is a clinical psychologist specializing in diabetes. In 2003, Dr. Guzman co-founded the Behavioral Diabetes Institute (BDI), the first non-profit organization devoted to the emotional and behavioral aspects of living with diabetes.

At BDI, she serves as the Director of Clinical Education, developing and leading programs for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals. She has helped develop and facilitate diabetes distress group interventions for two NIH-funded research studies for adults with type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Guzman is passionate about helping to change the conversations in diabetes away from shame, blame, and judgment to those based on facts, empathy, and engagement. She has been part of a joint ADA/ADCES effort to address problematic language and messages in diabetes.

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