
Free Med Pocket Cards

Glucagon PocketCard

Our new Glucagon PocketCards is NOW available to order!

There are 3 glucagon rescue medications to choose from! Our two-sided Glucagon Pocketcard, designed by Coach Beverly Thomassian, is a perfect decision aid and teaching tool designed for sharing with colleagues and people with diabetes alike.

This card can serve as a decision tool when discussing the pros and cons of the currently available rescue medications with providers and people living with diabetes.

Plus, this card highlights prevention and treatment options for hypoglycemia. It is also an excellent study tool for certification exam preparation.

  • Glucagon Pocket Card
    • Front side: Our new Glucagon PocketCard compares and contrasts the delivery system, dosing, age range, route, and storage of the currently available rescue meds all in one card. 
  • Teaching Tool 
    • Backside: This teaching tool provides step-wise instruction on how to identify, treat, and prevent hypoglycemia.  It also describes the 3 levels of hypoglycemia and includes a list of factors that can increase the risk of hypoglycemia.

This Diabetes Glucagon PocketCard is perfect for all Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.

Get yours today!

View or Download Glucagon PocketCard

View it for FREE anytime on our CDCES Coach App! Access by clicking on the PocketCard on our apps home screen.

Download Glucagon PocketCard for FREE on our PocketCard Page.

Glucagon Rescue Medications require a prescription. Check expiration dates before using them. This information on the Glucagon PocketCard is for educational purposes only. Please consult package inserts for detailed instructions.

What is Glucagon and How Does it Work?

Glucagon is a counter-regulatory hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood sugars are dipping or during periods of emotional or physical stress. This hormone liberates stored glycogen from the liver, causing an upward surge in circulating glucose.

When people become hypoglycemic, there is not enough circulating glucagon available to drive more glucose release. Glucagon rescue medications increase glucagon levels enough to stimulate further glucose release from glycogen stores in the body.

While administering glucagon is life-saving, it also depletes the body of its glycogen reserves and can lead to further hypoglycemia if it is not replaced quickly. It is so important to replace glycogen stores by consuming carbohydrates as soon as it is safe.

Emergency Action Steps

Glucagon rescue medications raise blood sugar by at least 20 mg/dl and should start working within 15 minutes.

  • After administration, make sure to seek medical help and roll person on their side since glucagon can cause nausea and vomiting.
  • If no response after 15 minutes, administer a second dose.
  • After the person gains consciousness and can safely swallow, administer food or beverage containing at 15 -30 gms of carbohydrate until blood sugars are back in a safe range. Then follow-up with the usual meal.

    15 gms of carbohydrate ideas:
    • 4-8 ounces of juice or sugary beverage;
    • A piece of fruit, a handful of raisins, tablespoons of honey or corn syrup;
    • 4 glucose tabs, glucose gel, or GU energy gel.

Teaching Resources

Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia Education Teaching Sheet » This handout is one of my favorites. Cartoon characters depict the signs and symptoms of low and high blood sugars and then detail steps to take.  

Medication Wallet Card PDF » pocket sized document that includes contact info, list of medications and critical health data.

Medication Wallet Card in WORD » Add your program’s logo and provide your clients with a useful, customized document that includes contact info, list of medications and critical health data.