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Teaching Tools for Diabetes

Our Teaching Tools make learning fun! 

Explaining the pathophysiology of diabetes is no easy task. These fun and effective educational tools that help you explain normal fuel metabolism and the defects associated with type 2 diabetes.

In addition, they can be used to motivate patients to lower blood glucose levels through diet, exercise and medications. 

Pancreas Partner | Diabetes Teaching Tool

Fun teaching tool that helps you demonstrate the job of the pancreas. The Pancreas Partner is made from traditional African fabrics and handcrafted by high school girls participating in Just One Person, an empowerment program for girls in rural Kenya. All profits are donated to

This pillow is soft and stuffed. The beta cells are represented by sparkly balls of different sizes. One side of the pancreas has a normal amount of beta cells, while the other side only has a fraction of normal cells to demonstrate the natural history of diabetes and beta cell loss. A great teaching tool when demonstrating the normal function of basal and bolus insulin. Kids, adults and health care professionals love the Pancreas Partner.

Each Pancreas Partner is unique and hand crafted from donated traditional African fabrics. For this reason, material and beta cell color will vary. Thank you for your purchase and contribution to Just One Person.

DiaCell | Diabetes Teaching Tool

The DiaCell is a fun and effective educational tool that explains normal fuel metabolism and the defects associated with type 2 diabetes. In addition, it can be used to motivate patients to lower blood glucose levels through diet, exercise and medications.

Pancreas Partner plus DiaCell Teaching Tools

We’ve put these powerful tools into one package! Captivate your students while explaining the pathophysiology of diabetes. This special package combines the pancreas partner and DiaCell teaching tools to advance your patients’ understanding of diabetes.

DiaBingo | Diabtes Bingo for FREE

We are now offering the DiaBingo as a free download. 

The player and instructor cards are available for download in English and Spanish below. You just need to print the player cards and pass out beans or chips as markers, so participants can place them on the right answers. The facilitator uses the Master Question and Answer Sheets to yell out the questions. (You can even cut the squares, and place them in a basket to choose the questions at random).

You are welcome to customize these questions as needed to make it relevant to your group.